Friday, August 23, 2024

Published August 23, 2024 by with 0 comment

Is Monkeypox a Fatal Disease - Symptoms, Causes And Treatment



You are hearing a lot on TV and social media that a new virus has come due to which people start getting affected very fast. There are some facts and facts about it

Some background of this virus and then its symptoms.  There were some monkeys in a research center on which research was being done, then this rash appeared in them, they started getting sick and from there it came to light that this was a new virus which was named monkeypox but it was the first recorded human disease.

It was a known case in Congo in 1971. After that, cases kept coming there now and then, but those who went to other countries from there kept getting diagnosed due to travel. 

Monkeypox has come in such countries too.  Cases are coming where people do not have a travel history

What can be the number one thing about the method of infection in this, as I mentioned?  It was named Monkey Pox because it first appeared in monkeys, possibly from rats, but still, its exact reservoir is not known as to which animal it is, due to which it seems that it was scratched by animals.  

Due to the bite or the place where it is eaten, if the food is undercooked or due to close contact with the secretion of any animal, then it gets transmitted to the human being, then it can also be transmitted from human to human.

How Will This Happen? 

Through your cough, respiratory droplets, and sexual transmission with very close contact, it can be transmitted from the mother to the child of a pregnant woman, fetus, or a small baby, it can also be transmitted by vertical transmission, which we call.

A patient who is diagnosed with monkeypox is affected if he touches the surface at any place or where any disease is felt and if you touch those surfaces also then you will get a monkeypox infection or  It can be a virus.

If we start diagnosing them, there is an enlargement of lymph nodes, or nodes as we call them. In this, lymph nodes also get enlarged

This rash starts appearing in some people if we look at the incubation period, which is six to 13 days or some studies also say that it happens from 8 to 21 days, when it appears, it is 21 days.  Disappearing starts in one or two to three weeks

After that the patient does not remain affected but as long as there is an incubation period or the patient is symptomatic, during that time it can infect others also. 

This rash appears. The PCR test is done from this rash or this fluid, based on which the diagnosis is made that the patient is Monkey Pox virus positive. 

There are many options for treatment. In the first place, synthetic killers are given.  Good hydration is given. Antiviral drugs have also been approved in some countries, but their results are not so encouraging. 

Those people who have been vaccinated for smallpox, also get saved from this disease. 

For some people these include encephalitis, swelling of the brain, early pneumonia, early infection, and due to sepsis, collapse of your multi-organ or entire free system of the body.

As far as the prevention of this disease is concerned.  it spreads from animals to humans or from humans to humans, if the first thing you do is case identification, then if you first try to isolate the patient, there is no need for that patient.  

That is, you have to repeatedly visit that patient to take care of him or have close contact with him. Even if you go somewhere, use gloves and a mask wherever the patient is. If you feel that a patient is in your family. 

He should be made to lie down at home where his rash has appeared or what we call pappus is a small elevation on the skin which is filled with fluid.

If it has appeared then it should be covered with some gauze and bandaged with a cloth.  Cover it so that its crusting or fluid or discharge does not affect anyone else.

Regarding prevention, it is also said that the person who has been vaccinated against smallpox will not be affected by the sun in any case.  This disease is not lethal, there are 3 to 6 people who expire from it but it is treated very easily. 

The patient becomes completely healthy in three to four weeks and after that, he neither becomes a victim of any residual disease nor  Only they can affect someone else. 


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